Friday, June 3, 2016


The memory of you sends a chill
coursing through my spine, strong like the breeze
of hurricanes that make blades of grass
curtesy toward the slow dimming sunlight.
The grass is a reminder of damp-
ness that surrounds us, even if we go.

I chose to leave that night, when the breeze
was so sharp you heard the screams of grass
as they are forced to the ground. Your light
shined on me as you watched me leave damp
footprints on your lawn - that's where you'll go
when you long to see me. It's the chill

you feel when you see the spot of grass
where our lips first locked and parted. Light
from your window always hits the damp
space to remind you why I must go.
It's hard to think when the only chill
between us was the slight breeze

of the summer we shared with moonlight.
But instead, our memories are damp-
ned by our harsh words. I let you go
so you can enjoy the taste of chill-
ed drinks on a hot day with the breeze
blowing through your veins. To feel the grass

between your toes and savor the damp
footprints of those free from deceit. Go
find yourself among the winds that chill
you down to the bone. That’s where the breeze
will remind you that you were the grass
And I was the hurricane. The light

in my hurricane was meant to go
and take you by storm, making the chill
of my light the last standing. Your breeze
let me in and you became the grass
willfully curtseying toward my light. 

Your light has gone, and your soul left damp.

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